Cheap ASP.NET MVC Hosting Tutorial – Reason Why you Should Start Using ASP.NET MVC

Cheap ASP.NET MVC Hosting Tutorial – Reason Why you Should Start Using ASP.NET MVC | Cheap and Reliable ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting. For those looking for a reason to use ASP.NET MVC, I have 10 reasons why now is a great time to use ASP.NET MVC.

If you are already a developer of PHP or Java (or even .NET) or you are just interested in learning how to build web applications, this is probably the best time to get into ASP.NET MVC which is why I’m going to give you my top 10 reasons for using ASP.NET MVC.

Here is why you should look into ASP.NET MVC.

<strong>No System.Web</strong>

For those us WebForm users, this was always a large assembly that was always required to make a web application. If you decide to move towards the ASP.NET MVC Core 1.0, this brand new framework removes the Elvis-like, hunky System.Web library (3MB assembly footprint), making it faster to load an ASP.NET web site and appeasing the Google Monster.

<strong>A Brand New Sleeker 2016 Model</strong>

ASP.NET MVC 5 is dead…Love Live ASP.NET MVC 5. Recently, .NET was completely rewritten and renamed (ASP.NET Core 1.0). This makes a developer’s life even easier. Instead of the development cycle of writing code, compiling, and testing the functionality, they eliminated the middle man (compiling). This makes the development process faster and it provides quick feedback to developers in Visual Studio.


<strong>Feels More Natural</strong>

Everyone who knows me knows that I’ve been a Microsoft developer since the Classic ASP days and when I moved to WebForms, it didn’t feel like a natural transition. When MVC came along, building web applications felt more natural and the workflow seemed to fit.

<strong>It's One Of The Popular Kids</strong>

Since ASP.NET runs on IIS and it’s one of the most popular web servers on the web, this makes ASP.NET MVC a natural fit. Most corporations started with IIS back in the day with Classic ASP.

<strong>Easier JavaScript Integrations</strong>

With WebForms, things can get a little sticky with JavaScript. I’ve seen developers hard-coded JavaScript in a Page_Load in WebForm’s code-behind…a lot! ASP.NET MVC allows for easier JavaScript framework integration. Try to put AngularJs into a WebForms web app and tell me you don’t have any hair left by the end of the day.

<strong>Open Source</strong>

Anyone can now see the code. If you want to expand on the View and create your own ViewEngine, examine the code at Github to find out how they did it. Source code galore to make your imagination run wild!


Yes, it’s true. You can now code web applications using an Apple, Linux, or Windows platform.


<strong>We Ain't In Visual Studio Any More</strong>

Since the mere mention of a newer .NET/ASP.NET release, various vendors (including Microsoft themselves) started building different IDEs to show off the capabilities of the newly-reformed .NET. Such IDEs like Visual Studio Code and JetBrains’ new C# IDE called Rider will allow you to build ASP.NET and C# projects without using a fully-loaded Visual Studio. Now, it doesn’t matter what you use to code your Microsoft web solutions

<strong>Healthy Community</strong>

ASP.NET MVC was a breath of fresh air for most Microsoft web developers. It took us into a new web era and moved us away from WebForms

<strong>Unit Testable</strong>

Out of the box, ASP.NET MVC is unit testable. Making your code unit-testable provides a certain checks-and-balances. To some WebForm developers, this was a new concept. It was difficult to test some UI and business components. With ASP.NET MVC, you can easily test all of your components and have a strong piece of mind that everything works as coded when it ships.


Since this was a quick post about where and why to start using ASP.NET MVC, I thought I could provide some additional material regarding where to go from here.

If you are interested more about ASP.NET MVC 6 hosting, I would recommend you to host with
