Improve the performances of ASP.NET MVC web applications

Improve the performances of ASP.NET MVC web applications | Best and cheap ASP.NET MVC hosting. It is an in depth analysis of a Digg-like site and how it went from serving (on a test machine) 6 req/sec to 390 req/sec.

The biggest gain, 74 req/sec to 390 req/sec happened when he introduced data caching and another 25 req/sec where gained when he introduced the compilation of LINQ queries.

Data caching is always the key

Splitting the gains among the various components:

  • 29 req/sec optimizing the usage of ASP.NET MVC
  • 14 req/sec caching route resolution
  • 340 req/sec caching the data access layer

This proves that, no matter what you do to optimize your code, the biggest performance hit is data retrieval, and the first thing you have to optimize is always this.

Can ASP.NET MVC be still optimized a bit?

But apart from this obvious outcome, I just want to take out from this presentation the 3 point that are really specific to ASP.NET MVC.

Route resolution

9 request per second are gained optimizing the route resolution. There are a lot of ways to do route resolution (aka creating a link given the action/controller you want to link to), but they can be summarized with these 3:

  • expression tree-based ActionLink
  • string-based ActionLink
  • RouteLink specifying the RouteName
  • (there is also the 4th one, the hard-coded one, but I’d rather not take this into account)

From the presentation it comes out that the first way, the expression tree one, 30 times slower than the string-based version, which takes twice the time of specifying directly the RouteName.

So, not only the expression tree-based ActionLink is “deprecated” as it doesn’t work for action whose name has been changed through the ActionName attribute, but it’s also slower. We are talking about 1.95 ms versus 0.06 ms, and this can be considered as premature optimization, but if your views have hundreds of these expression tree-based link, this can become a performance problem.

Caching Route Resolution

Routes are resolved lots of time during the application lifetime, so caching them could be a nice solution: in the performance test Rudi said that this made him gain 15 req/sec. Again, not a big gain, but since implementing that king of route resolution caching should not be a difficult task, probably it can be worth writing a small UrlHelper that caches the routes already resolved. Actually, this could be something Microsoft could add to routing engine itself.

Optimize the usage of PartialViews

In the benchmark application, the code does a loop over a list of items, and for each item it calls a RenderPartial to display the detail of each item of the list. In his benchmark the same partial was called 41 times per request.

So he decided to place the for-each loop inside the Partial View, and so have kind of the same encapsulation of markup, but gaining another 10 req/sec. This way you cannot see at a first glace that there is for-loop going on inside the partial, so probably a better solution could have been an Html Helper. Or something that the pre-compiler could have done was to “inline” the loop.

With this I don’t to say that you have to inline everything, but just remember that every RenderPartial you call has a performance hit.

Path to PartialViews

Finally he said he gained another 10 req/sec optimizing the way the path to the partial views is specified. You can either specify the view path as only its name (and so the view engine will go and look for it in the current folder or in the shared folder) or you can specify the full path. But if I’m not wrong, the resolution of the real path given the name of the view is cached, so the gain is only achieved in the really first call to the method, and would have probably been averaged out if the benchmark was run for a longer time.

Key takeaways

What do we have to learn from this performance analysis?

First and foremost, that data caching is the easiest and most effective way to improve the performances of your applications: without this, every other optimization is a “micro-optimization”.

If then we really want to get some other rules to apply to ASP.NET MVC applications here they are:

  1. Consider using the RouteName to organize your routes and then use it to generate your links.
  2. Consider implementing a route resolution caching strategy (and waiting for MS to include something similar in a future version of System.Web.Routing)
  3. Use your common sense when you put RenderPartials on your views page: if you end up calling the same partial 300 times in the same view, probably there is something wrong with that.

But, again, before fine-tuning these aspects of ASP.NET MVC, remember that your data access has to be cached in some way. If you don’t do to that, everything else is just a waste of time.

What are your ideas on this? Do you think that there are other ways of optimizing ASP.NET MVC that are not micro-optimizations?

Cheap ASP.NET Tips to make ASP.NET MVC application SEO friendly

Cheap ASP.NET Tips to make ASP.NET MVC application SEO friendly | Best and Cheap ASP.NET MVC hosting. In this post I will show you how to make ASP.NET MVC application SEO Friendly. As you know SEO for a website is important. Its like you driving a car without oil. Sure you need the oil.Ok I will go through the most important elements. However, SEO changes all the time and we don’t really know what triggers Google so it’s worth continuing your research afterwards to find out if there are things that are forgotten

Note: While not all WordPress installations are perfect for SEO, it’s usually really good compared to custom installations.

Required on-site SEO optimisations for ASP.NET sites

Sitemap in ASP.NET MVC


Sitemaps are important to tell the search engines exactly what pages you have. Unfortunately you have to make them yourself.

For smaller sites, it’s quite simple. Either you do it manually (which works if you don’t have any dynamic content) or automatically (more on that in a second). You simply make a controller called Sitemap, and makes sure your site responds to calls such as /sitemap and /sitemap.xml .

For bigger sites it’s challenge. If you have a million pages which a previous customer of ours did, you need to run an underlying console job that generates the sitemap.

To help you build it there are a couple of Github projects to help you, and here is an example:

Only one <h1> on each page

Each page, when fully rendered, should only have a <h1> tag. The <h1> tag is what the page is about, and should be the main headline.

Canonical URL on pages

It’s in general a very good idea to put a canonical URL on most views. The idea is you tell Google what the real version of the URL is.

A typical example is you have the same page that gets indexed with unique query strings:

  • ?tracking=qwerty
  • ?ref=query

The idea is you then make a canonical URL and refer to itself. So if your view is placed on, and you have a version such as, you should have a canonical URL that is

Remove /home/ from URL in ASP.NET MVC

In a lot of ASP.NET MVC projects, many pages end up having a /home/ url. An example could be /home/contact.

The shorter and more clear URLs, the better. And this is just a quick small thing to update inside the route file.

Prev and next on paginated listings

When you have a paginated result, it’s worth implementing the “prev” and “next”. It’s a way of telling the search engines you are on a paginated result, and what the next and previous pages are.